Spirit of Prophecy

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- 8/1/11:
Rise up today from the dead ashes of religion and religious concepts and precepts that bring failure after failure upon your life. Rise up into a new hope, into a new place where you have understanding of who I am. I am God who is for you and with you. I empower you and carry you to victory. I am for you, My dear children, and you must understand that the enemy cannot win. Understand that his weapons are useless against you. So, I say, activate your faith and dare to believe that all things are possible to the those who believe. Dare to believe that I am for you. Dare to believe that I am with you. Dare to believe that I am empowering you so that you can live the victorious life, says the Lord.

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 8/1/11:
Can you see? Can you discern? The pressure that has come through the events of your life are for the purpose of making changes that will equip you for the next leg of your journey. You have come to a high place in the spirit that requires greater wisdom and greater freedom from the works of the flesh. There is a mighty work to be done, but to fight against this leading or ignore it altogether will cause certain stagnation. Yield to My pressure, says the Lord. Romans 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

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